Did you Know?
There will no longer be SAB League Play-offs as from 2020. The winning Super League Clubs will gain access straight into the Regional League.
The Regional Leagues will consist of 4 Streams. PLFA will belong to a stream consisting of clubs from Laudium, Olievenhoutbosch, and Central Pretoria. Each stream will have 12 teams. This means for the first year, up to three clubs from each LFA may be promoted to the Regional League.
This Regional League of four streams will be run by the Region. Each winner of the Regional League will automatically gain promotion to the SAB League. Meaning that there will no longer be play-offs.
The Region will also in a number of years reduce the two SAB League Streams into one. This means that for a number of years there will be more relegations from the SAB League than promotions thereto.
We wish our clubs that will be participating in the Super League this season well. Our wish is for PLFA to dominate the Regional Leagues, and ultimately the SAB League.
See the attached diagram
Let the Games Begin!!!
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