Request for Quote for Auditing Services

Phelindaba Local Football Association is in the process of procuring Auditing services for a period of two financial years. The appointed auditors will audit the books of the association for the 2022 and 2023 financial years. Each financial year runs from January to december.

The Association is up to date with audits since 2016. There is a constitutional requirement that the association test the market every two years. The term of the current incumbent is coming to an end with the auditing of the 2021 books.
Phelindaba Local Football Association is a small and registered NPO with 34 active Members (football clubs), see!directory/map for information on Members. It is situated at Mbolekwa Soccer Ground, 286 Sehloho Street, Atteridgeville, 0008. It has football jurisdiction over Saulsville, Atteridgeville and Lotus Gardens. 
The Association is also a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), duly registered with the South African Revenue Services. See Registration information on this link:
In 2020, Phelindaba Local Football Association had an overall income of R138,240.00 and was worth R135,960.00. Its main income comes from Membership and Registration Fees from its Members.
The Association operates mainly on a volunteer basis, with the work being performed by the Executive Committee members. See for information on the Executive Committee. 
The association holds its Annual Congresses every year, ordinarily on the third week of January. At least a week prior to Congress the finances of the previous year must have been audited.
Phelindaba Local Football Association also has a Financial Policy by which it requires to be audited against. See here: From this link also see information about the previous Congresses, including the Audited Financial Statements.
The association makes use of Zoho Book as its financial management and accounting system. Auditors may be given access during the period of audit. But all required documents may be submitted to the Auditors. Audit work normally starts and ends in the second week of January.
An auditor will be required to present the Audited Financial Statements from a point of knowledge at the Annual Congress. 
Therefore the Phelindaba Local Football Association seeks the services of an Auditor to audit the books of the association for a period of two years, 2022 and 2023. The requirements are as follows (the asterix * means the requirement is compulsory):
1. The Auditing Firm must be within Tshwane *
2. Must have the capability of auditing the books of the association within one week *
3. Auditing must have comparative columns (this year and last year) *
4. Auditing must sample at least five policy elements for compliance *
5. Represent the Audit Report at the Annual Congresses
6. Must have the capability of Auditing information that is  on the Zoho Books system
Interested Auditors may submit their proposals to on or before 10th of December 2021. The proposals must have the following:
1. Full name of the Auditing Firm;
2. CK Number;
3. Income Tax Number;
4. Financial / Auditing Services Registration Number;
5. List at least three NPOs that have been audited by the firm in the last 10 years, with their contact detail;
6. Executive Summary;
7. 2022 Pricing;
8. 2023 Pricing.
We envisage completion of the evaluation process and award by 7th of January 2022.

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