PLFA Ordinary Congress 2020

Here-below are the documents produced by the PLFA Ordinary Congress 2020. These documents are a representation of the procedure, reports and resolutions taken at the Congress.

The attendance Register used to determine Quorum

This document represents a detailed report of the membership compliance in the form of a heat map.

This document represents a detailed agenda of the 2020 PLFA Congress

This document represents a speech made by the chairperson during the Congress. It was accompanied by the following files:

  1. Chairperson’s Presentation (PDF)
  2. Chairperson’s Presentation (PowerPoint)
  3. Videorised Presentation

This document represents a a proposal by the Executive Committee to confirm suspension of Members

The Executive Committee presented a report regarding the dismissal of two Executive Committee members to have these dismissals confirmed by Congress.

See supporting documents:

  1. EXCO Meeting Minutes
  2. Performance Review: Head of Leagues and Competitions
  3. Performance Review: Treasurer

Minutes of the 2019 PLFA Ordinary Congress

Annual Report (Activity Report) for 2019 PLFA activities.

The following documents were presented for the adoption of the financial reports:

See the following document:

  1. Profit and Loss Statement
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Trial Balance
  4. Account Transactions

Audited financial statements for the year 2019. The audits were carried out by Nameng Incorporated.

Appointment of Nameng Inc., Chartered Accountants, as the auditors of the association for two years.

See acceptance:

  1. Acceptance of the Appointment

Budget and Projections for the FY 2020

The amendment to the Constitution to restructure the Executive Committee by removing the Vice-Secretary and adding the Talent Management role

Amendment of the Constitution to enable the Executive Committee to co-opt members to serve until the end of its term instead of until the next Ordinary

Football Competitions Policy to regulate how competitions will be requested, sanctioned, and operated within PLFA.

See the accompanying documents:

  1. Request from the Member
  2. Partial Withdrawal of the Member’s Request

Proposal to use the capacity of other local football associations within the Tshwane Region as chairpersons of the local disciplinary hearings.

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