During the Extra-ordinary Congress of the association that was held on the 3rd of June 2018 at Lucas Moripe Stadium, some great strides were made. The amendments of the Constitution and the Rules were adopted. Also, the Administration and Communications Policy was also adopted. These will be signed and made available to the members within 30 days of adoption.
Many changes on the prescripts were adaptive, like the changes that are enforced by a directive from SARS. Some changes are corrective, like the alignment of the concepts, such as reference to the ‘appointed Office of the Electoral Body’, instead of saying ASSREC, or SAFA Tshwane. On the side of the Rules, the changes are mainly to adapt the spirit of the SAFA Uniform Competition Rules, but ensuring that the local flavour is maintained whilst alignment is enforced.
The biggest change came through a motion from one of our members, Young Tigers Football Club. The change is to, instead of appointing Additional Members, such must now be elected. This is a big change thus has has its ramifications in terms of management. But it can be sustained.
Going forward, we shall cease to call these members Additional Members, and refer to them by their porfolios. They are:
- Head of Football;
- Head of Referees;
- Head of Coaches; and
- Associate Member Representative
The Executive Committee will therefore convene an Extra-Ordinary Congress within 2 months to have these members elected. The current incumbents will continue to play their roles as ‘Acting’ members, and will have the power of the positions until the elections.
The Executive Committee of PLFA would like to thank the members of the association in their robust engagements and keeping the association in the centre of their thoughts. This is good for all both the organisation and football alike.
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